Christmas Hunters Jerk Turkey Roulade

A festive twist on a classic, Jerk spices blend wonderfully with Christmas flavours so why not try this hunters Jerk Turkey roulade on the lead up to Christmas.

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Makes 8

8x120g Turkey Breast Escalope’s
600g Sausage Meat
80g Dried Cranberry
160g Cooked Chestnuts
16 Rashers Streaky Bacon
Verstegen Smokey BBQ sauce
World Grill Jamaican Jerk
Grated Cheddar

To garnish: Decoration Blend France


Combine the cranberries and chestnuts with the sausage meat, divide into 8 and flatten onto each turkey escalope.
Roll up the stuffed turkey and wrap 2 rashers of streaky bacon around the roulade.
Spoon enough BBQ sauce into a foil tray to cover the bottom and place 2 portions of roulade on top.
Brush with World Grill Jamaican Jerk and sprinkle with grated cheddar cheese.