Stuffed Eggs with Crispy Pancetta

These filled eggs with crispy pancetta are a delicious, easy snack for brunch. With this recipe you can make a total of 12 half filled eggs.

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6 Eggs
4 Slices of pancetta
2 Tbsp mayonnaise
2 Tsp Chives
1 Tsp Paprika powder
Salt & Pepper, to taste


Boil the eggs in plenty of boiling water for about 8 minutes. Refresh them under cold water and peel the eggs.

Meanwhile, heat a frying pan without oil and fry the pancetta slices until crispy and brown. Drain on a paper towel and break into small pieces.

Using a sharp knife, cut the eggs in half lengthwise. Carefully remove the yolk with the tip of a knife and mash the yolk in a bowl. Mix this with the mayonnaise, Chives and salt and pepper to taste.

Fill the hollowed-out eggs with the egg mixture. Garnish with the Paprika powder and fried pieces of pancetta.

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