Kumar’s Red Curry Mozzarella Salad (The Sunrise Salad)

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1 Ball of mozzarella
½ a tbsp of Red Curry Paste
3 Chicories
1 Small ripe papaya
Pecan nuts
1 Small red onion
Red basil
Mint leaves
Olive oil, salt, vinegar


Mix the red curry paste with some of the mozzarella liquid, marinate the mozzarella in it for 30 minutes.
Marinate 2 of the chicories in oil, salt and vinegar.
Cut the remaining vegetables in very thin slices.
Crush the pecan nuts.
Keep some chicory leaves for garnishing later. Mix all remaining ingredients; keep some for garnishing later.

To serve: Serve the chicory leaves like a sun flower on a round plate. Place the salad in the middle, then add the mozzarella on top. Garnish with the rest of the salad.