Haggis & Mushroom Crumble Pie

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Haggis (diced)
Sliceable Mushroom Sauce
100g Breadcrumbs Plain
100g Stroganoff Schnitzel Mix
150g Cold Water
2g Season Pepper Wild Mushroom PURE
25g World Grill Basic Sea Salt & Lampong PURE
Scotch Pie Cases


Half fill the Scotch pie case with diced haggis.
Top with 2 slices of Sliceable Mushroom Sauce.
Mix both crumbs with the water, Season Pepper Wild Mushroom PURE & World Grill Basic Sea Salt & Lampong PURE.
Top the pies with the crumble mix.
Cook at 170°c gas mark 3-4 for 20-25 minutes or a core temperature of 72°c.