Gumbo Stew with Shrimp and Chicken

Experience the cajun spices in this gumbo; shrimp and chicken in a tomato stew with rice.

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200 g Chicken thighs
200 g Raw peeled shrimps (fresh or frozen)
4 Large tomatoes
2 Green peppers
2 Spring onions
300 g Rice, of your choice
400 g Tomato cubes (tin or packet)
1 Onion
2 Cloves of garlic
2 Tsp Cajun Spices PURE
2 Tbsp olive oil
350 ml Water
Salt, to taste


Cut the tomatoes and onion into wedges. Cut the garlic cloves into thin slices. Roughly chop the bell pepper. Cut the chicken thighs into cubes.

Heat the olive oil in the casserole and fry the onion and garlic. Fry the chicken thigh all around. Add the canned tomato cubes, paprika, Cajun Spices, water and salt to taste. Let it stew on low heat for 10 to 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook the rice according to the directions on the package.

Add the raw peeled shrimps and the fresh tomato wedges to the stew. Boil the gumbo for about 5 minutes into a nice sauce.

Serve the gumbo stew with the cooked rice. Cut the spring onion into rings and garnish over the plates.

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