Sirlion Strips with Quinoa

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1.5 kg Quinoa
50 g Asparagus Tips (blanched)
100 g Pods (blanched)
100 g Peppers (julienne)
100 g Corn
50 g Sirlion strips
Fresh arugula
10 g Fresh Spicemix del Mondo Sirtaki
20 g Fresh Spice Oil – Cumin Oregano
60 g Fresh Spice Oil – Green Herbs Garlic


Cook the quinoa and combine 20 grams of Verstegen Spice Oil – Green Herbs Garlic.

Divide the cooked quinoa, sugar snap peas, corn, asparagus tips and bell pepper in the glasses.

Season the sirlion with the Verstegen Spice Oil – Cumin Oregano and fry briefly in the pan.

Divide this into the glasses & garnish with rocket and Verstegen Spicemix del Mondo – Sirtaki